Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Fortune Final

A good one from Nil .... now that he is getting married .... I guess ..........

A year back I picked up a job assignment to move ahead in my life, well that was what the fortune said.

It reminded me immediately of a long-ago summer--I think it was between my first job and a functional course in Pune. Mom and Dad were content to let me stay away from home and do to prove myself that my child can also achieve but I immediately fell into my natural pattern of staying up late and sleeping late. I overheard dad on the phone, a few weeks in summer. "I don't know what to do about him. He stays up till all hours and sleeps half the day. He’ll make himself sick."
Then, everything changed. We realized that my uncle, who suffered from Parkinson's and hardening of the arteries, could no longer live by himself, and we couldn't find a reliable person to stay with him. Besides, he needed more care than one live-in person could provide.
So he moved in with us, temporarily, until we could figure out what to do. But he was still very independent, and kept trying to get up in the night to go the bathroom by himself. He fell. Several times. No injury, but it was only a matter of time.
Dad and I worked out an arrangement. I stayed up all night, reading, watching television with the sound low, sewing, writing--anything I liked, as long as I stayed in the living room, within earshot. If I heard stirring, I'd go in to check, help uncle with anything he needed. At six or seven a.m., dad took over and I went to bed.
A few weeks later, I again overheard dad on the phone with a friend: "I don't know what he is doing. He stays up all night so that I can sleep.

What had been vice had become virtue. Yeah, it happens. That was one smart cookie.
So I'm looking around my life to see if there's something I've been feeling guilty about that really isn't that bad. Something I should be patting myself on the back about instead of beating myself up about.

Well my fortune on Orkut…. Today this gave me something to write.


At 2:15 PM, Blogger Amey Bhide said...

Hey Nil,

This one is amazing. You have really started writing well ... I can see the upward trend from your previous blogs.

Mrunal should have a read at this ... send her the link will ya?

And keep the posts flowing, its good when someone else does the writing and all I need to do is post them .... kidding ok dude :)


At 10:00 PM, Blogger Subboo said...

i cant believe nilesh dada has written this blog...especially havin read the unedited blog hair technology !!

hehe..really good blog...good style ! u should write more..way to go bro ! keep them comin !!!

At 9:07 PM, Blogger Mrunal said...

Hey thr..

trust me its nt cos he is getting married.. I have nothing to do with this.. Nilesh has a way with words.. even when doesnt really realise it..

@ Ameydada: It was a special experience to go thru ur blogs.. all I can say is.. Keep up the good work.. U r simply amazing..!!


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